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Pet Life: Your Guide to Help Your Pet Live Longer

Build the forever pet life with the help of My Peterinarian

According to Rodney Habib in his TEDx talk on how to help your pet live longer, you should simply follow the longevity checklist. Watch the video and then read the short article below to see where My Peterinarian comes into your pet’s life.

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    The Pet Life longevity checklist consists of the following five points:

    1. Stress Resistance

    As we all know stress shortens our life spans. Your pets can sense your emotions and can even acquire the very same emotions themselves. Eliminate the stress in your life, and it will positively affect both you and your pet.

    2. Caloric Restriction

    Just by controlling your pet’s food intake and reducing it by 25%, you could increase the lifespan of your pet by two years. Don’t overfeed your pets out of “love” or when they give you “puppy eyes;” it will put their health at risk.

    3. Insulin Signaling

    If you go back in time 100 years prior to the explosion of the pet food industry, you will find that dogs used to feed on meat, seeds, nuts, berries, etc. Add it all up, and carbohydrates made up only 4% of their diet. In today’s ready-made pet food, they eat anywhere between 50 – 70% carbohydrates. This significant increase in carbohydrates will cause insulin signalling, which ages your pets at a much faster pace.

    4. Repair Damage

    Your entire immune system is in your gut. What helps a healthy immune system? Fresh vegetables and meat contribute to a more balanced growth of bacterial communities and leads to a positive change in healthy gut functions. Try to feed your pets as much fresh and uncooked food as possible.

    5. Environmental Factors

    What is the best environmental factor that is the cheapest form of therapy for your pet? The answer is simple; it’s exercise! It’s critical because it lowers stress, blood sugars and insulin. You need to make sure your pet gets enough exercise on a daily basis.

    We know you want to provide your pet’s with the highest quality of life and help them live for as long as possible. We also know that it’s easier said than done. That’s why My Peterinarian would like to step in and help you gradually implement these changes to ensure the health and longevity of your loved pet. We can start by ensuring your pets get their daily exercise. After, we would be more than happy to discuss the possible strategies for incorporating the other points on the longevity checklist into your pet’s life.

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